We can help you develop your own solutions with our technologies.
Building simulation is widely used in the industry by architects, designers, energy professionals and researchers alike. New simulation tools have made many tasks possible in real-world applications. They, however, demand ever increasing computing power. ENSIMS Ltd. provides technological solutions for building energy simulation users, by offering a range of products and customised solutions to meet their computing needs.
Simulation tools Modern building energy simulation tools are powerful and easy to use. Using DesignBuilder/EnergyPlus for example, a sophisticated building model can be created in the matter of hours, which can then be used to perform a wide range of analyses and assessments. The powerful features of the software tools should be matched with ample computing resource for best user experience and productivity. |
Computing Technology If you find simulations take too long to run and you cannot get the results quick enough to meet the deadline of the project, it may be your computer that needs an upgrade. Computing technology is advancing rapidly. New products normally mean faster and more affordable. On the other hand, the best does not have to be the most expensive. As energy simulation users ourselves, we test new technologies based on the actual demand of typical simulation tasks. |
Powerful, yet affordable The power of "supercomputers" is now accessible to many simulation users, either through commercial cloud computing providers, or by having their own computer cluster. ENSIMS X3200 provides a highly cost-effective solution for small to medium-sized companies. The X3200 series is based on the top-end server grade machines which you will find in supercomputing centres. It is configured specifically for energy simulation applications. Our software enables the computing resources being shared by multiple users, therefore maximizing the value of your investment. |
Full Solutions We provide not only computers, but also full solutions to meet your computing needs for energy simulations. Our products include free installation, software upgrades and technical support. The simulation experts of ENSIMS provide consultancy services on modelling, optimisation, software development and general computing issues. |
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