You can download tools, benchmark models, and product documentation here.
Benchmark model sets
E+ benchmark set

This set contains models from the examples directory of EnergyPlus, and the associated jEPlus project files. Click on the icon on the left to download the zipped package.
To use it, start jEPlus and then open the project file for the EnergyPlus version you want to test, and select "run all jobs" on the execution tab. Try to avoid doing other things on the computer while it is being tested. On a newish computer, the test should finish within an hour. At the end of the test, jEPlus will report how much time elapsed, and this is the result used in the league table.
DOC benchmark set

This set contains models submitted to the Design Optimization Competition 2012. The models are for EnergyPlus version 8.0 only. Note: This benchmark set will take much longer to run compared to the E+ benchmark set. It will be a good idea to leave the computer running through the night.